Final wiki edit for 24

I made my last edit to the 24 wikipedia article I originally chose to grace with my expertise on said topic. The edit can be viewed under the "conspiracies" heading not too far down the page. Someone made a correlation to 24 and conspiracy by explaining how each season (excluding 4) maintains some derivation thereof. My edit was not a correction by simply an addendum. With regards to season 5, the original edit stated that, "Day 5 was planned to secure oil in central asia." This is correct, however the American government's intentions were not limited to oil but also to increase the prescence and stature of the United States military. This point was stated by Walt Cummings prior to his introduction with death.
Who ever thought oil would be such a commodity? I mean, look at gas prices, crazy...
Moving right along.
It's interesting how in this current season of 24, the writers chose to make the U.S. government the main enemy and not some random group of terrorists. Some may even think that this season's motives have been a minor depiction of our current Commander in Chief. Ironically enough, the writer's have made a strict point to say (in any articles I have come across) that they are in no way demeaning the integrity of the government and that their scripts are 100% fictitious.
Due to the massive amount of liberals in the T.V. / Movie business, I fail to believe this to the fullest extent. However, I must take their word for it, being that these writers are the same people that have kept me on the edge of my seat for 5 consecutive seasons.
Thank you 24 staff for creating such a great television show.
No Jason I have not, and i would really like to know your conclusion on those two queries.
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