Sopranos / 2nd wiki edit for 24

If you caught "The Sopranos" this past sunday and were somewhat perturbed by the episode , check out this guest post by Larry on SpinachDip. He does a great job of getting you to understand the greater goods of David Chase's execution on this past weekend's show. A minor side note, I actually went to Junior High School with A.J. Soprano, more formally known as Robert Iler. This kid gets some bad press, but he had some great jokes at my buddy's bar-mitzvah back in 7th grade. Hats off to Rob for coming out of Wagner Junior High School and grabbing a spot on one of HBO's biggest shows.
As for the other love of my life, 24. One question to the writers. Why did you have to kill Tony? I was furious but, these folks labeled Tony has "God" himself...I'm sure they were real pissed. Fortunately enough I was able to sneak my own comments in to the 24 wiki I am editing for class. Towards the bottom of the article there is a general trivia section, along with a list of character deaths throughout the tenure of the show. They initially had wrote that Tony almost died in the first episode of this current season, however this was never finalized on the article due to the fact that he wasn't dead, yet. Unfortunately the bloody scythe of death introduced Tony to his demise in last night's episode (sorry if I spoiled that, but if you watch 24 you should've been tuned in anyway).
My edit can be viewed here, just above the "fan phone" headline. Enjoy.
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