Really Simple Syndication

Today in class we were graced with a Skype presentation from a blogger by the name of Dana VanDen Heuvel. He is the Director of Business Development for a company named Pheedo. Sub-titled, "RSS +Weblog Marketing Solutions", Pheedo strives to helps those in the blogosphere develop, execute and maintain "flexible advertising solutions." It's great how during the internet's baby years, advertising across said medium was shunned. Now, the internet is littered with a menagerie of advertisements. Glad to see that the tides have turned in such a fashion, especially since I myself will be getting a degree in Marketing...someday.
Within this Skype presentation, a large emphasis was put on the convenience of RSS usage. As my title above says, it is really simple...syndication, pun well intended. This ease of use and user friendliness is displayed by subscription services such as bloglines in order to neatly organize your daily web page viewings. I have certainly come to learn how RSS is going to soon (if it hasn't already) take the internet by storm. I mean for all intents and purposes, it is really simple syndication (bad joke, but I had to say it again).
As for the Skype link up top that I barely touched on, do check out the service if you have never heard of it. I just learned about it while taking this class and was pretty amazed by the deal. It's free international calling via the web, as long as both parties have downloaded the program.
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