A few things...

Firstly, for those of you that eat, breathe, and dream 24 like I do; read this blogger post. I hope you laughed as hard as I did after reading the chinese food menu line. Secondly, I would like to give a shout out to blogs4bauer for hosting their own "Carnival of Bauer." Believe or not, I had e-mailed my own 24 related post "First Wiki edit" to the administrators of the carnival and after a supposed selective process, they chose to give me credit! For proof, click the blogs4bauer link, scroll down to the post titled "The Carnival of Bauerâ„¢!!! Week 1" (I wish they had seperate links for their posts, it would make this much easier) and they link to my personal post in the third paragraph from the bottom. I may be a little over excited about this, but after starting up my first blog it feels real good to receive credit from people who I have never even met before.
P.S. Monday March 6th, 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. on FOX, TWO HOURS OF 24!!! YES!!!!!
nice,above is the permalink to the entry.
Always glad to see another 24 fan enter the domain.
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